Our Mission in Action compels us to be good stewards of God’s creation. Promoting sustainability is representative of HammondCare’s identity as an independent Christian charity, improving quality of life for people in need.
Our Mission in Action compels us to be good stewards of God’s creation. Promoting sustainability is representative of HammondCare’s identity as an independent Christian charity, improving quality of life for people in need.
Our commitment to sustainability
HammondCare is committed to environmental stewardship because God loves His creation and His creation is good (Genesis 1). There are also growing expectations from residents, clients, patients, families and the broader community that organisations operate in a manner that is conscious and protective of our environment.
In keeping with our ambition to be good stewards and wise with our resources, we are refreshing our existing Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2018-2023 through to 2025. The refreshed strategy seeks to balance aspiration with realistic, measurable and achievable targets.

Sustainability focus areas and targets
We want to encourage positive practices to help us build an organisation that, in every sense, contributes toward a better future. Our revised strategy focuses on four targeted areas with the highest impact.
The sustainability targets for these priority areas are currently in development. Over the coming years, we will report our progress against each focus area.
Energy efficiency
Reduce our contribution to climate change and dependence on fossil fuels through good energy management.
Sustainable design
Design all new developments to have minimal impact on the environment and align with social, economic and ecological principles.
Waste reduction
Implement best practice waste management systems and reduce the waste sent to landfill.
Sustainable travel
Travel in the most environmentally responsible and efficient way.
Our environmental impact - FY23
In 2023, water consumption at 1.53kL per square metre or 12% below baseline level has continued to be lower than our 2023 target of 1.7kL/sqm.
Our diversion of waste from landfill has exceeded our 2023 goal of 20% for the fourth year running – 33% of total waste was diverted.
We’ve exceeded our 2023 target of 20% solar usage in the past 12 months, reaching 26%. Total solar generated across sites is 1,950,239 kWh. Solar income is invested directly back into services.
Fuel consumption
Hybrid vehicles now make up 23% of our fleet. We’ve also recorded a 12% reduction in fuel consumption to 256,177 litres across 232 vehicles.
Electricity consumption has reduced by 21% against our baseline data to 82.04kW/sqm, improving onour 2023 goal of 82.91kW/sqm. Since implementation of our 2018-23 strategy, there has been a saving of 1,613 tonnes of Co2.
Smart technology
mySmart, an enterprise building management system, analyses daily resource management. For example, mySmart analytics have assisted to indicate excess water usage at selected sites.
Our Modern Slavery statement
Protecting people, not only the environment, is an important part of our stance on sustainability. Many people are surprised to learn that modern slavery is a real and important issue in Australian communities and workplaces.
HammondCare recognises our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). We reject any form of modern slavery and are fully committed to ensuring our operations and policies are aligned with identifying and managing modern slavery risks.