Head Heart Health.

A workshop for healthy brains

Head Heart Health.

A workshop for healthy brains

Have you ever thought about having a healthy brain?

Our brain health is intimately connected with our physical and mental health, but most of us don’t know much about it. 

The fact is that having a healthy brain can have an impact on our everyday lives, especially as we age, and it can reduce the risk of dementia.

Dementia is now the leading cause of death for Australian women and the second-highest cause of death for Australian men.

But did you know you can reduce your risk?

There are simple steps you can take to improve your brain health – our new Head Heart Health workshops will show you how.


Have you ever thought about having a healthy brain?

We often talk about keeping our bodies fit and eating well. And in recent decades, we’ve all become familiar with mental health as well. 

But what about your brain?

Our brain health is intimately connected with our physical and mental health, but most of us don’t know much about it. 

The fact is that having a healthy brain can have an impact on our everyday lives, especially as we age, and it can reduce the risk of dementia – a leading cause of death. 

How can you improve brain health?

You brain health benefits the most from a combination of:

speech bubble icon
Social activity
lightbulb icon
Mental activity
Dumbbell icon
Physical activity

Head Heart Health Workshop

At our Head Heart Health workshop, you’ll learn how better health can lead to better lives, and some preventative measures you can take now to keep your body and brain in tip top condition. Our dementia experts will:

  • Find out how memory works
  • Define what dementia is
  • Explore how you can reduce your dementia risk
Two ladies walking side by side outdoors

Head Heart Health workshop

At our Head Heart Health workshop, you’ll learn how better health can lead to better lives, and some preventative measures you can take now to keep your body and brain in tip top condition. Our dementia experts will:

  • Find out how memory works
  • Define what dementia is
  • Explore how you can reduce your dementia risk

Want to know about Head, Heart, Health Workshops coming to a location near you?

Register your details to be kept in the loop.

Want to find out about future events near you?

Just email consulting@dementiacentre.com.au and we'll let you know.

Sign up – it’s free!

We are holding a two-hour Head Heart Health workshop at:

Alice Springs (VENUE)

5 March 2024


Darwin (VENUE)

7 March 2024
